Bahia Beach & Boat ClubRULES & REGULATIONS Effective January 1, 2025

To maintain the high standards of Bahia Beach & Boat Club, we’ve established clear guidelines for a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable environment for all members while preserving the integrity of our community.


1. ALL VESSELS berthed at the Bahia Resort Hotel Marina ("Marina") must have a valid Slip Agreement on file at the Marina office. The licensee(s) under the Slip Agreement must be the vessel's registered owner(s) ("Licensee").

2. SLIP FEES ARE DUE IN ADVANCE of the first of each month. 

3. LATE FEES AND OTHER CHARGES. Slip fees must be paid by ACH. Slip Fees will be considered late if the ACH is not successfully completed by the 5th of each month. The late charge is 10% of total monthly charges, including but not limited to monthly slip fees and any penalties pursuant to Sections A(5) or A(6) below. Balances due over 30 days will accrue interest at 1.5% per month. If the ACH is rejected or fails for any reason whatsoever, Licensee shall pay Marina a fee of $25 in addition to any applicable late fees. 

4. IMPOUND AND LIEN PROCESSING. A vessel is subject to impound if an account is delinquent on the 20th day of the month in which slip fees were due. The lien process will commence if the account is still delinquent on the 1st of the month following the month in which rent was due and unpaid. Licensee shall be liable for any cost of impounding, lien processing, collection, and attorney's fees. 

5. REGISTRATION. At all times, proof of current vessel registration must be on file with Marina management. As such, Licensee must submit proof of registration upon each renewal. Failure to comply with this section will result in a monthly fine of $125, which is a non-reimbursable penalty that shall continue until Licensee complies. Licensee may submit proof of registration by dropping it off at the Bahia Resort Hotel ("Hotel") Security Office, or to Marina management at, by fax at 858-539-7739, or mail at 998 West Mission Bay Dr., San Diego, CA 92109. 

6. INSURANCE. At all times, proof of current insurance coverage that complies with Section 7 of the Slip Agreement must be on file with Marina management. Failure to provide such proof of insurance will result in a monthly fine of $125, which shall continue until Licensee complies. The fine is a non-reimbursable penalty that does not provide Licensee or vessel with any insurance coverage. Proof of insurance may be submitted to Marina management in the same manner provided in Section A(5).


1. SLIP ASSIGNMENT may be changed by Marina management in its discretion, at any time. Licensee may only use his or her assigned slip; use of any other slip at any time is prohibited. 

2. ASSIGNMENT, SUBLICENSING, OR TRANSFER of slip by Licensee is prohibited absent Marina’s express written authorization, which may be withheld by Marina for any reason whatsoever, approved credit, and payment of a $1,500 slip transfer fee. 

3. BOAT SPEED throughout the Marina is "DEAD SLOW, NO WAKE." Licensees must obey the 5 MPH NO WAKE limit throughout the Mission Bay Park area, as posted. 

4. LIVE-ABOARDS are prohibited. A live-aboard is defined as staying overnight on board the vessel at its berth for more than three consecutive nights and as further defined in the Slip Agreement. Exceptional stays are to be cleared with Marina management at least one week in advance of the stay. Failure to comply with this paragraph and the Slip Agreement may result in the penalties provided for in the Slip Agreement, including but not limited to, termination of the Slip Agreement and the Marina's retention of the security deposit as liquidated damages. 

5. PERSONAL GEAR is not allowed to be stored or left on the headwalks or fingers at any time. Any gear, additional dock boxes, or related items found on the headwalks or fingers will be removed at Licensee's expense (minimum $75 charge). Any items requiring special handling (e.g., batteries, paint, petroleum products, toxic chemicals) will subject Licensee to additional disposal charge(s). 

6. CLEATS, BUMPERS, DOCKWELLS or any other fixtures are not permitted to be installed on or attached to the docks without the permission of Marina management. Any fixtures installed or attached without the permission of Marina management will be removed and any damages repaired at Licensee's expense. 

7. BOARDING STEPS shall be no more than one half the width of the dock finger and utilize a lightweight, open construction, and are subject to approval of Marina management. Storage under boarding steps is not permitted. 

8. TRANSIENT USE. Licensees are required to notify the Marina office whenever the vessel is away from its assigned berth for more than three days. During the time that the subject slip is not occupied, Marina management may, at its sole discretion, utilize the slip for transient berthing without credit, reimbursement, or any other compensation or notice to Licensee. 

9. DINGHIES, RUNABOUTS, OUTBOARDS, or any other craft tied off are not permitted without prior authorization from the Dockmaster. 

10. NO COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY of any kind is permitted. Commercial vessels are prohibited in the Marina without written permission of Marina management. 

11. FUELING of vessels in the Marina is prohibited due to the explosion and fire hazard. All fueling must be done only at fuel docks. 

12. BOTTOM LINERS AND HYDRAULIC DRY DOCK LIFTS are prohibited in the Marina.


1. OPERATION. All vessels require examination and approval by the Dockmaster prior to the execution of any slip license agreement. Vessels are to be maintained in good mechanical condition at all times. Vessels not in good condition, as determined at the sole discretion of the Marina, will not be admitted to or permitted to remain in the Marina. A marine survey, conducted by an accredited marine surveyor, may be required at the discretion of the Marina at the Licensee’s expense any time prior to arrival or while the vessel remains in the Marina. 

2. APPEARANCE. All vessels must be kept in such condition as to reflect favorably on the appearance standards maintained by the Marina. All vessels and slips must be free from physical damage, well maintained, and free of debris, bottles, papers, trash, or other items that may create an unsightly condition. All canvas casements must be in good condition and free of rips and tears. Determination of whether a vessel and/or slip meets the Marina’s appearance standards shall be at the sole discretion of the Marina. 

3. CONDUCT. We value the community atmosphere of the Marina and ask that you conduct yourself accordingly. Disorderly or indecorous conduct that infringes on the quiet enjoyment of other members of the Marina community or which may injure a person, cause damage to property, or harm the reputation of the Marina is prohibited. 

4. NO MAJOR REPAIRS OR OVERHAULS are permitted on vessels moored at the Marina. Determination of what constitutes a major repair or overhaul shall be at the absolute discretion of Marina management. Any questions regarding scope of work and conditions should be addressed to management prior to beginning work. 

5. CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO MARINA IS RESTRICTED. All boat maintenance and repair contractors must be authorized by Marina management to perform services within the Marina. No outside contractors are allowed to work on weekends and/or holidays except for emergency repairs. Any work performed by contractors must be pursuant to a separate agreement between each contractor and Licensee. The Marina and its employees neither endorse nor are parties to any such agreements nor are in any way responsible for any such work, including without limitation any injuries to or damage caused by Licensee's contractor(s), and Licensee shall defend and indemnify Marina and Hotel from and against all claims, losses, damages, and costs (including actual attorney's fees) arising out of or related to such injuries or damage. Any contractor engaged by Licensee must provide Marina with a certificate of insurance naming Marina as an additional insured. 

6. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MUST BE CLEAN. No dust, sawdust, sandings, scrapings, paints, varnishes, oils, or related substances are permitted to be released into the water or air. All maintenance activity must be performed on board the vessel, not on the dock or shoreside. Additional federal, state, county and/or city ordinances may apply and Licensee may be subject to citations and fines. 

7. PAINT, VARNISH, and related substances spilled on the docks, walkways, or storage lockers shall be cleaned up immediately by Licensee. Licensee is responsible for all cleaning and/or replacement costs that the Marina incurs due to Licensee's failure to comply with this paragraph. 

8. DISCHARGE OF HUMAN WASTE INTO HARBOR IS PROHIBTED. Pump-out facilities are at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay and at several other locations in the harbor. Violators will be evicted from the Marina. Additional federal, state, county and/or city ordinances may apply and Licensee may be subject to citations and fines. 

9. EMPTYING AND/OR CLEANING OF PORTABLE HEADS (porta-potties) in the Marina restrooms is strictly prohibited. Violators will be evicted from the Marina. Additional federal, state, county and/or city ordinances may apply and Licensee may be subject to citations and fines. 

10. FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL LAW GOVERNING DISCHARGE OF ANY MATERIAL into the waters, including but not limited to oil, paint, fuel, various residues, solid materials, toxic chemicals, oily bilge water, most "gray water," and sewage are strictly enforced and carry high fines and/or significant criminal penalties.


1. ELECTRICAL SERVICE. All slips are provided with electrical service. Licensees shall contact the Dockmaster with any questions about electrical service. 

2. SHORE CORDS must be compatible with the amperage and receptacle configuration at Licensee's power center. Cords must be maintained and kept neat and coiled, and may not cross over fingers and/or other headwalks at any time. 

3. WATER SERVICE is provided at each slip. Positive shut off nozzles must be used at all times. Please conserve water.


1. NO PARKING is permitted for more than 72 hours, three consecutive nights, without prior permission from Marina management. Storage of vehicles is not permitted. Sleeping overnight in any parked vehicle is not permitted. Violators will be towed pursuant to California Vehicle Code ("CVC") section 22658. 

2. PARKING PASSES. One or two parking passes may be issued per slip. Parking passes must be displayed at all times when Licensee's vehicle is on Hotel property. Violators will be towed pursuant to CVC section 22658. 

3. PARKING RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS. Parking is not permitted in front of any Hotel guestroom, pool area, security, or guest registration. Licensees must park in the south and west parking lots only and may only utilize such parking when on or en route to or from their vessel. Vehicles must be operable, and neither Licensees nor their agents are permitted to perform vehicle maintenance in the parking lot. Licensee’s use of Hotel’s parking lots is at Licensee’s own risk, and Hotel shall not be liable for loss or damage to any vehicle or other property of Licensee. 



4. GUEST "DAY PASS" PARKING may be obtained from Hotel Security, subject to availability based on Hotel occupancy and other factors within Hotel's sole discretion. The licensee shall inquire about guest parking passes at least one week prior to the desired date of use. Guest parking passes may only be utilized during times that guest is aboard Licensee's vessel. Overnight parking by Licensee's guests is prohibited. 



1. UP TO TWO KEYS will be issued per Slip Agreement. A $100 deposit is required for the first key, and a $50 deposit is required for the second key. 

2. KEYS must be used to gain access at the Marina gate when the Dockmaster is not on duty, and to access the Marina head and shower room.


1. Paint, thinner, volatile cleaners, and related materials may be stored in dock boxes, but only in limited, minimum amounts necessary for appropriate minor maintenance. All such items must be tightly closed, non-leaking, original containers. GASOLINE MAY NOT BE STORED IN ANY DOCK BOX.


1. SWIMMING POOL. The swimming pool is available to Licensees and accompanied guests from 7 am to 10 pm. Particular care must be exercised with children on the pool deck. Licensees and guests (maximum 4 guests per slip) must bring their own beach towels to the pool, as the Hotel will not furnish towels. 

2. TENNIS COURTS. The tennis courts are available to Licensees and accompanied guests from 7 am to 10 pm daily, except on Wednesdays when the courts do not open until 9 am due to cleaning and routine maintenance. 

3. FITNESS CENTER. The fitness center is available to Licensees and accompanied guests from 6:30 am to 10 pm. 

4. APPLICABLE RULES. Licensees and accompanied guests must follow all applicable rules at the swimming pool, tennis courts, and fitness center (collectively, "Landside Facilities"), which are posted and available at the Hotel Security Office. The Landside Facilities may be closed for short periods of time for maintenance or, on occasion, to support other functions. Arrangements for separate functions may be made with Marina management. 

5. NO STORAGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Licensees shall not store personal property of any nature in or about the Landside Facilities. Hotel shall not be liable for loss or damage to any personal property of Licensee that is stored in or about the Landside Facilities. 

6. RECOVERY OF HOTEL PROPERTY. Licensee shall not remove any of Hotel's property (for example, pool towels) from the Landside Facilities. Dockmaster or Hotel Security may recover Hotel property from vessels, and Licensee shall be fined $125 plus the cost to replace any damaged Hotel property.


1. DOCKMASTER HOURS. The Marina Dockmaster's normal hours are Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. These hours are subject to change without prior notice. 


3. NO MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS, ROLLER SKATES, OR SKATEBOARDS are permitted on the docks, nor may they be ridden on walkways, sidewalks, or pedestrian bridges. Bicycles must be walked on sidewalks and across the causeway and docks. Bicycles may not be secured to railings, fences, fixtures or other Hotel property, and must be covered at all times while on vessels or on the docks. Neither the Marina nor the Hotel are responsible for any theft of or damage to bicycles. 

4. PETS are permitted, so long as they comply with the Hotel's pet policy; are registered at the Marina office; and do not create any disturbance or nuisance. All pets MUST be kept on a leash. Pet owners are responsible for immediately cleaning up after their pets. Dockmaster and Marina management reserve the right to bar any pet. No pets are allowed in the restrooms or showers. 

5. TRASH CONTAINERS are provided on each dock and at each restroom. Items requiring special handling, including but not limited to batteries, paint, petroleum products, and toxic chemicals, are Licensee's disposal responsibility and are NOT to be placed in trash containers or left anywhere on Hotel property. Licensees should contact the Dockmaster for proper disposal recommendations. 

6. QUESTIONING. Marina management reserves the right to identify unknown persons. Licensees must provide management with advance notice before authorizing a guest to use their vessel and/or key. 

7. SIGNS (e.g., "for sale" or political signs) are not permitted on vessels, the Marina, or Hotel property, and will be removed and destroyed. Prospective buyers of vessels must be accompanied by Licensee or a broker. 

8. HOTEL SECURITY PERSONNEL are available to assist Licensees, and patrol the Hotel property, in uniform, by foot and on bicycle. Security operates 24 hours per day and may be reached at (858) 539-7686 or, from a Hotel phone, at ext. 7686. 

9. QUIET HOURS are 10 pm to 8 am. Loud noises are not permitted at any time. Inconsiderate Licensees and/or their guests will be asked to leave and risk termination of the Slip Agreement. 

10. THE MARINA GATE is to be locked closed at all times. 

11. CHILDREN under 12 years are not permitted on docks without the immediate presence of parents or other responsible adults. Non-swimmers or toddlers are requested to wear life jackets when on the docks or boat decks. 

12. IF MARINA MANAGEMENT IS REQUIRED TO TOW OR OTHERWISE REMOVE LICENSEE’S VESSEL FROM THE MARINA, Licensee shall be required to reimburse the Marina for all actual expenses incurred in connection with the tow and/or removal. 

13. INTERPRETATION. The Marina is empowered to interpret these rules. If any doubt arises with respect to an activity which may be precluded by these rules or the Slip Agreement, interpretation should be requested prior to undertaking such activity.


The Marina and Hotel reserve the right to amend these rules and regulations at any time without prior notice to Licensee. If any problems or questions arise, Licensees should contact the General Manager, Stefan Peroutka at or Dockmaster, Joseph Francisco, at or by phone at (858) 539-7675, or contact Marina management at or by phone at (858) 539-7758.

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